Bridge Course


Not all language learners aim to learn the language as ‘language’. Some of them seek to use the knowledge of the language to use it as a medium to approach subjects and texts of their choice, like say, philosophy or theology. Keeping that in view, while the online course is designed for context based learning, the load of handling the grammar of Sanskrit is put in to the Bridge Courses.

The Bridge Course is packaged into topic-wise learning modules. Depending on one’s linguistic pre-skills in Sanskrit the learner could choose topics to work upon. An application based approach is used in these courses. The learner gets to learn the intricacies of the language in a lucid and methodical way, always ensuring that grammar learning does not become overwhelming or cumbersome.

Several illustrations from standard texts and exercises ensure that the learner comprehends both the theory and application of Sanskrit grammar (following Paninian method).

The modules of the Online Bridge Course are proposed to be brought out as booklets to supplement context based learning and for preservation as ready reference. The Online Course is followed by a test for evaluating the learner, while worksheets and exercises would aid self-evaluation throughout the course.

Sanskrit Bridge Course
Key features
  • Grammar learning modules prepared to aid the context based learning resources
  • Designed to aid independent learning of the modules
  • Methodical presentation of the grammatical concept and its application
  • Illustrations from standard texts to comprehend grammatical application in a context
  • Ample exercise for practice
  • Availability in Online and booklet forms
The topics in the Bridge Courses will include modules for –
  • Learning devanägaré script and Sanskrit pronunciation
  • Sanskrit Phonetics — uccaräraëa sthäna (vocal position of pronunciation) and svaraëa (letters of homogenous class)
  • Conjunctions of letters (sandhi)
  • Word generation — nominal, verbal, gerund & indeclinable, derivative noun
  • Indeclinables
  • Compounds (samäsa)
  • Semantic relation (käraka)