Publication—Sanskrit Picture Dictionary

Publication—Sanskrit Picture Dictionary

The purpose of this Sanskrit Picture Dictionary – Sanskrita Citra-kosha – is to provide those new to Sanskrit, particularly those from English speaking backgrounds, exposure to many of the high frequency words required to communicate in spoken Sanskrit. This picture dictionary will assist in swift Sanskrit vocabulary acquisition. Words are placed into associational categories: body parts, dress and ornaments, colours, immediate environment in the house, school and nature, common food items, occupations, institutions, animals, and transportation There is also a section on high frequency verbs.

This helps the learner to develop a vocabulary word bank around the theme. For each theme we have compiled a page of verbs that are commonly associated with that topic or cluster of nouns. This is available from our website

Review pages have been included at the end of each major section. The image is listed without a title and the learner is expected to add the correct word from memory. In the early stage of the Introductory Course, of which this dictionary accompanies, the Devanagari script is not introduced. Therefore we have included both Devanagari and a Roman transliteration for each image. The answer may be given in either script.

The dictionary is not intended to be sequentially processed as a language course book may be designed. The nature of word acquisition is very much dependent on time, place, circumstance and need. It would be artificial and unhelpful to attempt to predict the sequence of vocabulary learning. “Lexical chains” or words that fit together in a topic or theme is the best way to introduce vocabulary.

We are confident that this resource will greatly assist you in your early stages of learning Sanskrit language. Congratulations on your courage and determination to take on this wonderful challenge of learning one of the oldest and most perfect languages in the world.

Unique features of the dictionary

  • Words are presented thematically in useful categories.
  • High frequency verbs section with accompanying images.
  • Devanagari and Roman transliteration used for every image.
  • Review pages to act as checkpoints for each unit or group of units.
  • The inclusion of a number of simple sentences for each topic unit.
  • An index ordered alphabetically in English for quick reference.
  • Pronunciation guide for diacritics used in the Roman transliteration.
  • An Appendix with Roman transliteration and meanings in English.